Saturday, August 08, 2009

My Daughter the Quilt Designer

It started out with our local quilt shop's newletter and the information about a quilt challenge, Summer 2009. That hooked Meredith, she wanted in. The categories
  1. Small Quilt (40" x 52" or smaller)
  2. Large Quilt (larger thand 40" x 52")
  3. "Other" project (purse, table runner apron, etc)

First she started sketching and planning:

Here is the challenge fabric and if you been a reader of this blog, you know this isn't even close to anything she would pick. So her face fell when she saw it.

The challenge is set up on 150 points and here are a few criteria that you can have in your quilt and receive an automatic 10 points.

  • Mitered border or binding (check- binding)
  • a pieced border (check - look below the flower)
  • applique (check - flower)
  • a stripe fabric (check)
  • one or more curved seams (check - at the top middle section)
  • project label (check)
  • polka dot fabric (check)

So far Meredith is 70 points out of 70.

Now here is the part the judges will award points (up to 20 points each).

  • Original design
  • use of color
  • overall appearance
  • workmanship

Off to pick out fabric, Meredith was planning a small quilt but after she picked out her fabric she liked it so much she decided a large quilt was in order.

Here is the quilt, with many angles. You will notice there are a few changes from the original sketch.

Can you tell her pieced border is a flower pot? Pretty clever on her part.

Did you find the challenge fabric?
Now here is part of the quilt label and I have to admit she was pretty clever. My dad (her papa) was stationed in Germany and likes to teach them a few German words here and there. So Eine Blume means One Flower.

I am so proud of her, she did an amazing job and really enjoyed it.


  1. Please tell Meredith that her quilt is fantastic. That girl has a fantastic eye for color and design (just like her Mom). Love the new design on your blog.

  2. That is gorgeous! You should be proud. It makes me want to quilt something for my bedroom.

  3. How lovely! Congrats on a BEAUTIFUL piece of work.

  4. That quilt is fantastic! What a great job she did.

  5. Lovely! and she will have learned so much taking on the design portion on her own.

  6. gorgeous! gee....where did that girl get her sewing talent? hmmm... ;)

  7. Lovely quilt. Looks like you have a budding, young designer there. That's quite an accomplishment, especially for a young person. Love your new blog!

  8. Wow! Meredith did an amazing job. From the design, to the colours and the sewing. Move over mom. :)

  9. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Great job. I had to look really hard, but I found the challenge fabric. Love that quilt. g

  10. Woweeee! That's a beautiful quilt. I love the bright colors.

  11. Wonderful quilt! You both are very proud, I'm sure.

  12. It's great! The colors and design are wonderful - love the flower in the pot. The embroidered label makes it so special.

  13. Wow...just fabulous!
    That's one talented young woman!

  14. This is wonderful--she has a real eye for design and color. Great job!

  15. On closer examination I found the challenge fabric. I take it there were no requirements on how much of the quilt had to be in the fabric. Very clever.

  16. What an amazing quilt. It's adorable. Love the flower pot detail. Good luck.

  17. Wow!! That's an awesome quilt! She did a wonderful job!

  18. Incredible! What a talented and interesting daughter you have.

  19. WOWZA!!! She did a fantastic job!! I love the colors and well pretty much everything about it!


  20. She did a fantastic job and should be VERY proud of herself. I hope she wins the challenge!

  21. Wow, how gorgeous! And clever of her. I hope she wins :)

  22. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Oh, it's wonderful! SO wonderful! Such an accomplishment. It reminds me so of when I was a girl and my mom would encourage me to design and make anything I wanted!

  23. Meridith's quilt is beautiful! She did an amazing job. I hope she wins!

  24. Bravo! Really nice quilt. She should be very proud of her accomplishment. Great job!!!!

  25. Lori, when I first saw this quilt I thought it was adorable...and then I saw your daughter designed and pieced it???? Oh my goodness, way cuter than anythng I've ever made! You should be proud, and so should she. I can't wait to see the next one!

  26. Beautiful work!!!

  27. Thanks for this article very helpful. thanks.
