Sunday, February 10, 2013

A little Update

Back in July 2010, I posted this bedroom update, added a bit of color to the master bedroom.  I have been wanting to add some patterned curtains, a new comforter (with a better fit) and some new wall art.

To start I ordered this fabric for the curtains
and a houndstooth for the new comforter, they are out-of-stock on the houndstooth.  The picture is from my order history, so a bit small and blurry.
A week before Christmas, I made the new curtains and put the comforter top together.  The curtains were hung and the comforter sent to the longarm quilter for some quilting.  The quilt came back at the same time I found some bright canvas art from Pier One.  I went in for another piece in their flyer and came out with 3 canvases.  I loved the bright colors of the canvas, which match several quilts I have made of late.

Here is the bedroom, which is very hard to photograph on a sunny day, this is the best picture, just one crooked sham.

another view

then the sitting area
curtain close-up

I am thrilled with the updates, changed the room quite and I didn't have to repaint!


  1. That is a gorgeous room! You have amazing decorating skills.

  2. The room looks great! I love the bright colors. So cheery!

  3. Gorgeous, Love the quilt!

  4. It looks GREAT Lori! You have so much energy ... hard to believe you'll be a grannie soon. lol!

  5. That is an amazing transformation! Wanna come update my room? g

  6. Anonymous7:51 PM

    What a beautiful room! It's so warm and inviting!

  7. My bedroom has a similar paint color on the walls. Thanks for the inspiration! I was just doing blues and white and not adding in other colors. Now I see more possibilities. Your room looks great.

  8. Okay is there anything that you don't sew? Seriously?!!! And really your bedroom looks like that? You sure it's not the spare? Cause I can guarantee you that mine isn't that neat! *LOL* It's fantastic - love everything you did to update it!

  9. Looks very nice.

  10. This is exactly what I want to do! I've been looking all over for coverlets. It didn't occur to me to sew one and send it to a quilter!!! Thank you for the inspiration.

  11. Nice! Bedroom makeovers are always good. I am still in the process of doing mine.

  12. I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!!!!!!

  13. Wow! One of my favorite colors too. Yes, indeed, you do have tons of ambition. You must have a secret stash Or is it you're getting stuff out of the way now because when that little boy arrives in March everything else takes a back seat? :)

  14. I think the photos of your bedroom belong in a decorator's magazine!

  15. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Oh, Lori, you did an amazing job. The master bedroom project update you uncovered before us was absolutely an enchanting read through. I love your patterned curtains addition. The bedding including comforter, color theme, sitting area and curtain decoration made the room super looking. BTW what's your idea about round comforters? Thank you very much for your brilliant job.
