Monday, October 06, 2008

One of my Birthday presents

The weekend before my birthday, my in-laws were in town. My mother-in-law asked if I had a name for my purses, as in a label I put on my purses. I said, "Yes, Girls in the Garden, although I only remember to put in the label 10% of the time!". Well, my mother-in-law was being a bit sneaky. She had this made for me, a cigar box with a vintage sewing theme. Isn't it wonderful?

The inside:

Inside lid

Corner of the box:

My label

This has to be one of my most favorite gifts from my mother-in-law.


  1. Oh, that is a wonderful gift from your MIL.

  2. Anonymous9:44 PM

    that is a great gift. I love it! I'm sure you'll find plenty of uses for it. Love the new look of the blog. Glad you had a happy birthday. g

  3. Wow! What a fabulous gift! How thoughtful (and sneaky) of your MIL. Guess you better return that chair. ;)

  4. What a clever and creative gift! Lucky you!

  5. What a great gift. It looks beautiful....

  6. Happy Belated Birthday, Lori! What a great mother-in-law you have! I have a great mother-in-law, too. We are both very blessed. Thank you for your continued blessing of my life with your sewing inspirations. :-)

  7. What a great gift. Happy (belated) Birthday! Mary

  8. I love it! What a wonderful and thoughtful gift. Happy Birthday!

  9. Lori..what a fabulous gift!

    Pam, from ~Off The Cuff Style~

  10. what wonderfully thoughtful gift

  11. That is one of the most adorable things I've ever seen! You're so lucky, what a treasure!
